Mindfulness Watercolours Art Project 2021


Many lessons throughout the school begin with a moment of mindfulness to recentre, calm and focus the mind with discrete lessons structured around activities based on the Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP).  During the first week back in school many 好色先生污污污 were able to take this a step further when they embarked on an experimental watercolour lesson which was designed to also be a lesson in calm reflection with mindfulness at the heart of it. The aim was to relax, unwind and de-stress with a meditative watercolour tutorial where the 好色先生污污污's intention was on the process, not about perfection, but about allowing the colours to flow and rearrange without interrupting.

Head of Art, Mrs Sam Downer, explained, 'When looking for ways to manage our worries during uncertain times, seeking solace in activities designed to quieten the mind and focus the attention on enjoying the moment, like art, are a fantastic way to explore mindfulness'. The 好色先生污污污 selected two colours and created circles of any size. They diluted some with water while other circles of bolder colours symboled inner strength.  They were encouraged release any stressful feelings, anxiety and worry by concentrating carefully on their breathing while they were painting, inhaling and exhaling slowly. The 好色先生污污污 were also asked to be focus on the sound of the brush on the watercolour paper as they were making the swirls of circles, and to watch carefully how the colours seeped into one another, creating new colours. The whole process was designed to allow them the time and space to pause, observe and reflect on how they were feeling. 

Some of the 好色先生污污污 were keen to experiment further with abstract tree or leaf designs, using different shapes and patterns.  They explored what effect the extent of dilution had on the strength of colours. Some year groups used their knowledge of Joan Miro's style to weave similar mark makings into their own work, combining Surrealist fantasy with abstract art. One Form 5 pupil remarked, 'It was such a busy week catching up with all of our friends after remote learning but this was a moment of calm and it really allowed me to take time to relax and recentre.'