PA Quiz and Curry Evening – ‘Keep Calm and Curry On’


‘Keep Calm and Curry On’. This was the theme of the PA’s Quiz and Curry evening for the event on 7 February which was a well-attended and fun event. 14 tables completed against each other in a challenging and entertaining quiz with Head of Drama, Mr Tim Clarke, hosting the evening as the fabulous quiz master adorned in gold jacket. Proceeds from the evening will go to local charity, The Prospects Trust.

Teams had to choose their own team name and accessorise themselves and their table accordingly if they wished to. The best team name prize was awarded to 'All the Gear, No Idea' who lived up to their name by looking spectacular in their bling and becoming the recipients of the wooden spoons at the end of the evening! ‘Universitikka Challenge’ were the clear winners of the evening and received their trophies graciously in their geeky classes and school boy ties.  

Mrs Lucy White, Chair of the PA who organised the evening with a quiz team committee said, "There was a really fantastic atmosphere which was both friendly and competitive and we were so pleased with how everyone threw themselves into the spirit of the evening.  Hinsley Hall looked great and the curry and accompaniments were delicious.  It was also fun to see a Byron House and Senior House team competing - no comment on who ended up ahead in the league chart! We are very thankful to Mrs Debs White, Head of Byron House, for putting the range of questions together as they were pitched just right to have something for everyone.  Headmaster, Mr Kevin Jones, who helped with the scoring, became particularly attentive during the 'Famous Kevins Round!  As well as parents having a great evening we hope to make a donation to The Prospects Trust charity from the proceeds of the amazing raffle draw and auction of a keg of specially brewed ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ beer".