PA Virtual Charity Fun Day 2020


The much-anticipated annual Parents’ Association Fun Day extravaganza on 17 May took on a different guise this year and went virtual. There were long family walks, together with running, bouncing, hopping, skipping, cycling, dancing, cricket, basketball, traditional fete games of obstacle courses, welly wanging and apple bobbing and plenty more besides. Meanwhile some families preferred to evoke the joys of the tea tent, baking delicious looking cakes and bakes.  There was fancy dress and face painting and even novelty school uniform!


PA Chair, Mrs Tori Denman, remarked, “It was fantastic to see St John’s families come together in spirit if not in person and to mark the day with their usually energy.” Shared photos added to the day and some families chose to donate to the Parents’ Association charity for this year.

‘The Laughter Specialists’ () visited Byron House prior to lock down to explain how the team ‘Bring magical moments, smiles and relief to ɫ in hospitals, hospices, special needs schools’. They are continuing to offer this support during this challenging period, offering a virtual service to patients where possible. They are looking forward to normal service being resumed as soon as possible. Annie, a member of ‘The Laughter Specialists’, sent a clip to St John’s ɫ and families .

If you would like to make a donation please do follow the link for the Just Giving site: