Piazza Brass Christmas Event 2021


Parents and friends of the School were treated to a Christmas musical feast at our annual ‘Piazza Brass’ event at Senior House. Our brass players were also joined this year by many of our other talented young musicians to get the crowd into the festive spirit, including Form 5 and 6 Pop Choir, Big Band and Rednotes.

Director of Music, Mr Simon Kirk, explained, “It was wonderful to be able to welcome St John’s families to listen to seasonal music performed by brass pupils from Senior House. Afterwards, the Big Band, the Form 5 & 6 Choir and Rednotes Jazz Ensemble entertained us from the Drama Studio. The ɫ's delight in their music-making and in transporting us towards Christmas was evident throughout.”

Many of the so-called 'minority' instruments were on show, such as French horn, trombone, tuba, oboe and bassoon. One of the performers commented, “Many people who played a brass instrument had the chance to perform in front of an audience. It was great to hear a range of festive songs from the different musical ensembles.”