Third Form Drama Production: Cinderella


The Third Form made their debut on the Hinsley Hall stage and performed their rendition of Cinderella. A funky interpretation of a traditional tale, the Third Form production was based on the poem by Roald Dahl, featuring wonderful highlights of music and dancing.

The dances were choreographed by Ms Harris and were performed with vigour on stage, bringing excitement, especially to the disco scene. The ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ mastered the skill of projecting their singing voices to the back of the hall, without losing their sense of character or finesse, whilst also maintaining a high quality of dance. Tudor-inspired costumes enhanced the visual experience; with some added extras of some rats and horses.

The ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ’s suggestions were the biggest hit with audience. At the end of the performance, after all of the characters had run screaming from the stage, one of the rats started to nibble on the dismembered arm of the jam-maker, commenting that it might taste better roasted. This caused much hilarity amongst the audience, especially the younger members.

From Cinderella herself to the outrageous Ugly Sisters, the play was packed full of a wide range of vibrant characters; each demanded a high level of imagination and commitment to the role from the Third Formers, all of whom delivered on both counts. The devious rats narrated the story with such dedication using their vocal tone to set the mood in the dark, dingy cellar. The hard-working townspeople set the whole show up with a mime scene depicting the daily market, making it easy for the audience to follow the story. The ‘posh’ people brought snooty characters to the Palace Ball as well as the glittering Prince of the Palace! The rock god who chops off heads wasn’t to poor Cinderella’s taste but he did give a cool performance with some brave solo pieces.

The Third From did a fantastic job at entertaining and telling the story alongside a brilliant soundtrack. We look forward to seeing what this talented year group has in store for the rest of their Senior House drama careers.