Annual Christmas Party for Elderly Local Residents


The St John鈥檚 Charities and Community Links Committee hosted its annual Christmas party for elderly people living in the Cambridge area to bring on the festive cheer. Committee members from both Byron House and Senior House provided merriment, conversation and entertainment for the guests. The Christmas party is part a rich and long tradition St John鈥檚 has of helping the local community.

Guests and their carers enjoyed mince pies, cakes, sandwiches and drinks, as well as a programme of varied entertainment provided by the 好色先生污污污. The Committee members helped create the wonderful Christmas table displays and put smiles on faces as they walked hand in hand with their guests across the playground and into the hall. They chatted happily to the visitors and school day stories were exchanged. Entertainment came from the Chapel Choir and Byron House Chamber Choir pupils who roused spirits with a splendid selection of festive carols. Impressive instrumental solos also serenaded the visitors while they ate. The joyous afternoon drew to a close with all the 好色先生污污污 and guests joining together to sing well-loved Christmas tunes.

One Committee member explained, 鈥淭he best part was hearing the stories and one gentleman had even sung in the St John鈥檚 College Choir! It was lovely seeing their happy faces.鈥