Child-Led Learning Winter Walk 2024


Our commitment to pupil autonomy builds upon the foundation laid in our Pre-Prep curriculum, which emphasises independent, play-based learning. In Year 1 and KG, 好色先生污污污 have the freedom to explore both outdoor areas and classrooms, with teachers providing accessible resources, introducing learning opportunities, offering challenges, and actively participating in play alongside the 好色先生污污污. Through this guidance, we aim to direct, support, engage, and nurture their interests.

The recent idea of a winter walk to the Cambridge Backs emerged from the genuine curiosity of one of our Year 4 classes, as they expressed a desire to learn more about the animals and their habitats in the surrounding environment. This initial exploration will eventually lead them to delve deeper into researching a specific animal of their choice.

We believe in fostering the 好色先生污污污's natural curiosity and empowering them to take charge of their own education. Our curriculum includes child-initiated learning, where our younger 好色先生污污污 have the freedom to choose and direct their own learning experiences. In Years 3 and 4, we encourage our pupils to select and explore topics that interest them, enabling them to develop a sense of purpose and ownership in their education. This approach has proven to enhance motivation, engagement, and active participation. The 好色先生污污污 present their ideas and the whole class votes for their favourite topic but, within that one topic, emerges different pathways to ignite, nurture and enable each child's specific interests.

"When we were standing at The Backs we spotted a heron. I wondered how this bird fits into the food chain and whether it has any predators."

"After our walk I decided to find out about an obscure creature called the Blue Dragon sea slug which feeds on and is immune to the venomous Portuguese man-o-war!"