Form 2 Trip to Hilltop 2019


Form 2 set off on “The best trip ever!” according to one child overheard after the first activities had been completed. The trip was designed to develop the ɫ’s independence and organisational skills and to challenge themselves with all the activities on offer. Hilltop is an Outdoor Education Centre based on the North Norfolk Coast and the trip included activities such as the high ropes course, a 15m climbing wall, a super swing, archery, The Big Zipper and The Amazing Air Jump (the first activity of its kind in England) and fun at the rocky seashore.

The ɫ were mixed up across the Form 2 classes and new friendships were forged in anticipation for the ɫ’s move up to Senior House. “I made two new friends,” one child exclaimed with excitement on their return to Byron House. Exhilarating activities awaited us and encouraged the ɫ (and adults at times!) to push themselves beyond their comfort zone. In particular, the Tree Top Trail, Air Jump and Big Zipper gave everyone the opportunity to become risk takers at their own challenge level and the ɫ experienced an enormous amount of gratification from this. Other activities developed a range of skills including team building, orienteering, archery and problem solving. The dorm routine provided the opportunity to further independent skills and show initiative by keeping dorms neat and tidy and meeting on time for activities. A range of certificates were awarded at the end of the trip for neatest dorm, cleanest plate, acts of kindness and self-challenge.

Miss Dempster, trip organiser explained, “Every child was able to achieve success at their own challenge level thanks to the incredibly well thought out and exciting activities on offer at Hilltop. The group behaved impeccably and did themselves proud. The ɫ returned from Hilltop feeling proud of their many achievements and excited to share their stories with mum and dad.” One Form 2 said, “In the woods there was a big zip wire, it was called the Big Zipper. You were attached to a harness on a zip line. The Air Jump was very fun, you jump off a wooden platform and land on your back on a massive air bag and crawl to the exit. I was an ‘enjoying elephant’!”