Form 3 Sound & Hearing Science Project 2021


Form 3 have continued their hearing and sound Science project during remote learning and have used objects from home to create a 2D or 3D anatomical model, painting or drawing of the ear. The 好色先生污污污 could decide whether this represented the whole ear or focused on a certain part, such as the eardrum or ossicles.

The 好色先生污污污 found out that sound waves are gathered by the outer ear and sent down the ear canal to the eardrum. The sound waves cause the eardrum to vibrate, which sets the three tiny bones in the middle ear into motion. The motion of the bones causes the fluid in the inner ear or cochlea to move. Form 3 learnt the meaning of the words frequency and amplitude and how they are different and created a diagram of the wave patterns.

The 好色先生污污污 went on to study different instruments in order to explain how the sound is created, what the mechanical action is and what is vibrating and some 好色先生污污污 brought in their own instruments from home to demonstrate this. They also thought about how you can change the amplitude and frequency on each instrument. As an extension, the 好色先生污污污 discovered why animals have different shaped pinna, how eardrums can be damaged and how grommets can help people with hearing problems. They also found out how damage to the hairs in your cochlea can affect hearing and how a cochlear implant can help.