Form 6's 'The Passion' Production 2020


Form 6’s production of The Passion recalls the final days of Jesus’ life – from his entry into Jerusalem, to his crucifixion five days later – and all of the complex plotting, political side-stepping and betrayal that facilitated Jesus’ downfall. The Passion Play is a moving story that requires a deep intensity and thoughtfulness, which the Sixth Form delivered. It is a tradition for all ɫ in Forms 1 to 5 to end the Lent term watching The Passion but, due to current circumstances, the production was filmed and streamed to classrooms.

Head of Drama, Mr Tim Clarke, explained, “Form 6 have been amazing. To be told one minute that the Passion Play on Friday has been cancelled – and many had given a great deal of time and effort to the project – learning lines and coming to rehearsals and then the next minute told we were going to film a rehearsal straight away in costume… could hear a pin drop in the hall. It was deeply moving."


Mr Clarke went on to say, “I feel strongly that this filming marks the moment very well. I am so proud of this year group and what they have put on camera is truly remarkable – for their age range, with no warning, no ‘film acting guidance’, and, most importantly,  no audience to fuel their performances. It is raw and captures these ɫ in this moment of time – it tells the story and, in some respects, is the most extraordinary Passion Play ever.

Pupils from Form 1 to Form 5 watched the video in their classrooms on the last morning of the Lent term and, as usual, adhered to watching it all in respectful silence with the music at the end creating a moment of reflection, as it would have done if it had been watched live.