Kindergarten Nativity 'Whoops-a-Daisy Angel' 2020


Kindergarten鈥檚 rendition of their nativity production, Whoops-a-Daisy Angel, was broadcast live to the school community this year so everyone could share the 好色先生污污污鈥檚 production and all their hard work leading up to the performance. This delightful nativity play tells the story of a disorganised but loveable angel who is chosen to show the way to Bethlehem.

While the angels in Heaven are busy going about their special duties efficiently and smoothly, Whoopsie, a slightly accident-prone angel who is never trusted with the important jobs, finds herself counting snowflakes again. This year, however, things are different: God Himself charges Whoopsie with the task of telling the world about the imminent birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the World. In spite of a few mishaps, including some rather bumpy landings and some very frightened shepherds to name but a few, Whoopsie excels in her role and, for once, gets it right.

Head of Drama, Mr Tim Clarke, commented, 'These youngest 好色先生污污污 were a delight to work with throughout the journey of their first nativity from the early rehearsals to getting them ready to be on the stage itself. They were calm, focused and listened incredibly well to instructions and had a level of support for each other which is rare for 好色先生污污污 of such a young age.' One Kindergarten child explained, 'I really liked the part when the four snowflakes were dancing to the music' and another said. 'I loved it when the birds tweeted around the stage and flapped their wings before they went into the stable'.