PA Macmillan Coffee Morning 2018


The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning is Macmillan’s biggest fundraising event, where the charity asks people across the UK to hold a coffee morning and raise money for people living with cancer. In 2017 the charity’s coffee mornings raised over £27 million. Since the first Coffee Morning in 1990, the Coffee Mornings have raised over £200 million for Macmillan.

The St John’s College School PA’s Macmillan Coffee Morning took place in the wonderful location of the St John’s College Master’s Lodge on 28 September and £938 was raised for the charity through generous donations and the raffle. The event was a sell-out and almost 100 parents took advantage of this opportunity to enjoy coffee and home-baked cakes in the historic surroundings of the Lodge and its garden, the private home of the Master of St John’s and his wife.

The PA Committee and kind parents baked an amazing array of cakes and those not eaten by attendees were offered to parents in exchange for donations to Macmillan Cancer Support. Lady Dobson kindly drew the raffle for two donated an array of prizes. Chair of the PA, Mr Alex Wright, commented, “The members of the PA Committee are incredibly grateful to the Master and his wife for enabling us to use their home and for helping with the raffle. We would also like to thank all the parents who made cakes and donated so generously.”

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(all photos courtesy of Lucie Milton)