T1 Nativity Production 'Christmas with the Aliens' 2020


T1’s rendition of their nativity production, Christmas with the Aliens, was broadcast live to the school community this year so everyone could share the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ’s production and all their hard work leading up to the performance. The nativity tells the delightful story of a disorganised but lovable angel with a wonky halo who is chosen to show the way to Bethlehem. One T1 parent commented, "It was absolutely awesome and such a treat be able to watch it as if we had front row seats."

Christmas with the Aliens centres around the traditional Christmas story being retold to some alien visitors. Stranded on earth with their broken spaceship, they meet a group of schoolºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ about to rehearse their Christmas play. Invited to watch, the aliens discover an amazing story they want the whole universe to hear. But will the aliens be able to mend their spaceship and travel back to outer space whilst also learning what the true meaning of Christmas is along the way?

Many life skills and transferable skills are learnt through T1’s drama lessons – listening carefully to instructions; responding appropriately; respecting other opinions; working together; considering other viewpoints; speaking clearly and with purpose and this learning, plus an increase in self-confidence and self-awareness, is what makes drama such a fantastic teaching tool for this age group.

In the words of Head of Drama, Mr Clarke: "The play provided a variety of roles for the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ to inhabit and they responded to the challenges with enthusiasm and commitment. The on-stage action was interwoven with songs and dancing, carried off with notable confidence. Anyone who saw Christmas with the Aliens will agree that the final performance really left the stage as the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ threw themselves into the story, with many pupils even improvising new lines and actions." A member of T1 commented, “I loved waving to our mummies and daddies at the beginning because we knew they were all watching and smiling from home." Another child said, "We laughed nearly all the time because our play was so funny, especially when the friendly Innkeeper kept saying, 'Only Joking!' to Mary and Joseph."