Office Hours & Contacts

The office hours for both Byron House and Senior House are 8.00 am – 4.30 pm during term time. It would be most helpful if parents could make calls on School business during these hours. Should you need to contact the school outside of these hours voicemail is available on both the Byron House and Senior House numbers (see below).

If you are calling outside of office hours and urgently need to speak to someone between 4.30-6.00pm, there is a member of staff on duty at Senior House Reception (contact details below). If you need to speak to someone after 6.00pm, or need to access the site once the keypads have been disabled and reception is not staffed, please contact the Boarding House on 01223 327007 or 07885 202086.

Senior House Telephone (01223) 353532
Fax (01223) 315535

Byron House Telephone (01223) 353817
Fax (01223) 302975

Should you need to contact the reception staff by email, please use the generic addresses above rather than their individual email addresses.  This is to ensure that your message can be picked up in the event that the two secretaries are unwell or otherwise away from school.