Teaching Arrangements

At St John’s College School the standard class size is 20 (with a maximum of 23) and we are co-educational throughout the school. Kindergarten and Transition 1 (Year 1) are divided into two classes. In Transition 2 (Year 2) there is an intake of additional ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ and three classes are formed by combining the existing ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ with these new starters. In these Early Years (EYFS) the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ are taught predominantly by their Form Teacher, assisted throughout by a Classroom Assistant, with Music, Drama, French and PE taught by subject specialists.

The First Form (Year 3) classes are taught by their Class Teacher for the core subjects and a degree of classroom assistance continues. Subject specialist teaching is provided in varying degrees according to the particular interests and talents of the Class Teacher. Music, Art, Drama, Computing, DT, Science and PE may be provided by specialists as required.

In the Second Form, the timetabling of Maths allows for extension and enrichment groups to be formed on a flexible basis according to the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ’s needs. STEM sessions (delivered at Senior House) integrate Science, DT and Computing content allowing the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ to explore a range of inter-disciplinary projects. Our ‘My Mind’ programme begins in the Second Form (Year 4), combining Philosophy, Mindfulness, Study Skills and Critical Thinking.

The pupils move to the Senior House site in the Third Form (Year 5), remaining within their previous class groupings. Setting is first introduced in Maths, enrichment groups are offered as appropriate and Latin is introduced. At Senior House, a Tutor system operates, whereby a team of tutors, with a Pastoral Head of Year, is responsible for the pastoral care of the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ. Each tutor usually has no more than 10 pupils in his or her care.

From the Fourth Form (Year 6), all subjects are specialist taught. Setting continues in Maths and is introduced in French. During the final two years, setting is introduced in all examined subjects. Drama, Art, DT, Music, PSHEE and PE all retain their specialist taught status and timetabled status in a School which is committed to a broad and fulfilling curriculum.