News list

A group of St John’s Form 6 pupils presented their STEM (Science, Engineering, Technology and Maths) work at Schools’ Zone, part of the University of Cambridge Science Festival. The Schools Zone invites pupils from across the eastern region to bring a display of their STEM projects to the Festival. It is a wonderful opportunity for pupils to be the ‘experts’ and show a large and diverse audience what tomorrow’s scientists are doing today.
This year's David White Memorial Concert was given by Wells Virtuosi, a string ensemble made up of the leading string pupils from the specialist music school Wells Cathedral School.  In addition, two of the string ensembles (Stradivarius and Guarneri) from St John’s performed alongside our visitors in a movement from Holst’s St Paul’s Suite. £85 was raised for the Aplastic Anaemia Trust.
In February, the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ of Form 1 staged ‘The Great Flood’, their own interpretation of the biblical tale of Noah’s Ark. However, this was no ordinary retelling. Form 1 bent the rules from start to finish; from the sinful humans tickling feet under the tables to the lonely Dodo bird without a partner, Form 1 truly made their unforgettable mark on this age-old story.
Over 70 St John’s parents attended our second Emotions for Learning (E4L) Morning in Byron House.  Parents were invited to watch aspects of our E4L curriculum and Mindfulness programme in action during the day, experiencing it with the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ, as well as listening to key presentations from the staff.
The T2s enjoyed a whole morning centred on keeping healthy, as part of their PSHEE topic. In small groups, the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ took part in different health awareness sessions including: dental hygiene, keeping germs and head lice at bay, Mindfulness and keeping hearts and bodies fit and healthy.
Following the success of last year’s Third Form play, Scheherezade, expectations were high when, as the Fourth Form, the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúÎÛÎÛÎÛ took to the stage again. The production comprised of 7 individual mini-plays stitched together to tell the tale of Sophie’s encounter with the BFG- the ‘Big Friendly Giant.’  The cast stepped up and produced a performance which was highly amusing and entertaining for all of the audience.
On 14 January 2016, St John’s was delighted to welcome former Archbishop of Canterbury, Master of Magdalene College, Lord Rowan Williams. Lord Williams visited the school as part of the Third Form’s ‘Wonder Afternoons’, comprising of a series of prominent speakers.