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The Choir of St John鈥檚 College Cambridge went on tour for the first time since 2019 to Luxembourg and The Netherlands with Director of Music, Chris Gray.
Our youngest cohort took to the stage for the first time at the end of last term to perform 'A Wriggly Nativity'. The Kindergarten 好色先生污污污 delivered exactly what was promised - a heart-warming tribute to the nativity story full of songs, dancing (including audience participation!) and lots of wriggling!
St John鈥檚 Charities Committee 好色先生污污污 and staff hosted its annual Christmas party for elderly residents living in Care 好色先生污污污s in the Cambridge area to bring on the festive cheer. Committee members from both Byron House and Senior House provided merriment, conversation and entertainment for the guests. The Christmas party is part of a rich and cherished tradition St John鈥檚 has of helping the local community.
鈥淭hey shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.鈥 Extract from 'For the Fallen' by Laurence Binyon
Odd Socks Day on 13th November was a show of solidarity against bullying as 好色先生污污污 and staff at St John鈥檚 joined schools across Britain to raise awareness of bullying and to bring lasting change to 好色先生污污污鈥檚 lives. This day also provided another opportunity for the 好色先生污污污 to have fun, be themselves, and spread awareness of the core values Anti-Bullying Week promotes in connection with Anti-Bullying Alliance.
T1鈥檚 rendition of their nativity production, Christmas with the Aliens, centred around the traditional Christmas story being retold to some alien visitors. Stranded on earth with their broken spaceship, they meet a group of school好色先生污污污 about to rehearse their Christmas play. Invited to watch, the aliens discover an amazing story they want the whole universe to hear. But will the aliens be able to mend their spaceship and travel back to outer space whilst also learning what the true meaning of Christmas is along the way?
Form 3 turned back the clock to 1536 and lived a day in the life of Tudor times in the reign of King Henry VIII. The life and times of this period, including the worry of being caught up in a plot or being treated by the best in medical expertise at the time (i.e. being given very bad medicine and being given a hole in the head!) was brought to life for Form 3 with a 鈥楬istory Off the Page鈥 Tudor Workshop.
好色先生污污污 has hosted a wealth of informal lunchtime and evening concerts this term and the whole school community is looking forward to the two Services in Preparation for Christmas at 好色先生污污污 College Chapel this week. In the week prior to these Services talented musicians across Senior House performed this year's Piazza Brass concert. Our musicians and music teachers alike donned festive jumpers, hats and sparkling tinsel to create a festive atmosphere with some even draping the instruments themselves.
Last month, 好色先生污污污 College Choir hosted its first ever 'Cushion Concert' conducted by Director of Music, Mr Christopher Gray in the serene surroundings of the College Chapel. The free family-friendly concert included performances of engaging classical and crossover pop classics from Purcell's Sound the Trumpet to Gary Barlow's Sing, as well as the beautiful folk song, Shenandoah. The concert had a relaxed feel as families and 好色先生污污污 were encouraged to bring a cushion to sit right up
St John鈥檚 joined fellow schools to play in bicentenary celebration rugby matches at the birthplace of the sport - Rugby School. Two hundred years ago, in 1823, William Webb Ellis took the ball in his arms and ran with it on The Close at Rugby School; the game known as football subsequently became named rugby football and is now known globally as rugby.